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- Create a WiFi-controlled car using NodeMCU and a custom app
In this project, we'll create a WiFi-controlled car using NodeMCU and an app. This project is perfect for beginners looking to dive into the world of IoT and robotics. Let's get started! Materials Needed: - NodeMCU (ESP8266) board - L298N motor driver module - DC motors with wheels (x4) - Car chassis - 18650 batteries with holder - Jumper wires - Breadboard - Smartphone with WiFi and a custom app Step 1: Assemble the Car Chassis 1. Attach the DC Motors: Mount the DC motors to the car chassis. Secure them firmly so they don't move around. 2. Install Wheels: Attach the wheels to the DC motors. 3. Battery Placement: Place the battery holder on the chassis. Ensure it's easily accessible for battery changes. Step 2: Connect the Electronics 1. Motor Driver to Motors: - Connect the motor terminals to the L298N motor driver. Typically, Motor A to OUT1 and OUT2, and Motor B to OUT3 and OUT4. 2. Motor Driver to NodeMCU: - IN1 to D1 - IN2 to D2 - IN3 to D3 - IN4 to D4 - ENA to D5 (for speed control using PWM) - ENB to D6 (for speed control using PWM) 3. Power Connections: - Connect the motor driver’s VCC to the battery pack’s positive terminal. - Connect the GND to the battery pack’s negative terminal. - Connect the motor driver’s 5V output to the NodeMCU’s VIN pin (if it has a 5V regulator, otherwise use 3.3V). Step 3: Program the NodeMCU 1. Install Arduino IDE: - Download and install the Arduino IDE. 2. Setup NodeMCU: - Add the ESP8266 board manager to the Arduino IDE (File > Preferences > Additional Board Manager URLs). - Install the ESP8266 board from the Boards Manager. 3. Write the Code: as given in the files Step 4: Test Your Car 1. Power Up: Insert the batteries into the holder and power up your car. 2. Connect wifi Open the app{(App is available inside the ZIP File) and connect to your project. 3. Control the Car: Use the buttons on the app to control the car's movement. Conclusion By following these steps, you can create your own WiFi-controlled car using NodeMCU and a simple app. Happy building! For more projects and tutorials, visit our website and explore Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew to expand your skills in embedded systems.
- How to Control a Servo Using a Slider on a Web Server with NodeMCU
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to control a servo motor using a slider on a web server hosted by a NodeMCU. This project combines IoT and web technologies to allow you to control the servo's position from any device with a web browser. Let's get started! Materials Needed - NodeMCU (ESP8266) - Servo Motor (e.g., SG90) - Breadboard and jumper wires - Power supply (e.g., USB cable for NodeMCU) - Micro USB cable - Computer with Arduino IDE installed Step 1: Set Up the Arduino IDE 1. Install the ESP8266 Board: - Open Arduino IDE. - Go to `File` > `Preferences`. - In the "Additional Board Manager URLs" field, add: `` . - Go to `Tools` > `Board` > `Boards Manager`. - Search for `ESP8266` and click "Install". 2. Install Required Libraries: - Go to `Sketch` > `Include Library` > `Manage Libraries`. - Search for `ESP8266WiFi` and install it. - Search for `Servo` and install it. Step 2: Connect the Servo Motor to NodeMCU 1. Connections: - Connect the servo motor's power pin (usually red) to the 3.3V pin on the NodeMCU. - Connect the ground pin (usually black or brown) to the GND pin on the NodeMCU. - Connect the signal pin (usually yellow or white) to the D1 (GPIO 5) pin on the NodeMCU. Step 3: Write the Code 1. Create the Web Server Code: 2. Upload the Code: - Select your board and port from `Tools` > `Board` > `NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)` and `Tools` > `Port`. - Click the upload button to flash the code to the NodeMCU. Step 4: Test the Project 1. Connect to the Web Server: - Open the Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE (set baud rate to 115200) to see the IP address assigned to your NodeMCU by your WiFi network. - Open a web browser and enter the IP address in the address bar. 2. Control the Servo: - You should see a slider on the webpage. Move the slider to control the servo's position. - The servo should move according to the slider value, allowing you to control its angle from 0 to 180 degrees. Conclusion : You have successfully created a web server on the NodeMCU to control a servo motor using a slider. This project demonstrates the power of combining IoT and web technologies for remote control applications. Explore more projects and continue enhancing your skills by visiting Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew!
- Learn controlling LED Lights on a webserver using NodeMCU
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to control an LED connected to a NodeMCU via a web server. This project is a great way to get started with IoT and learn how to integrate hardware with web technology. Requirements - NodeMCU (ESP8266) - LED - 220Ω resistor - Breadboard and jumper wires - Micro USB cable - Arduino IDE installed on your computer Step 1: Setting Up the Hardware 1. Connect the LED to the NodeMCU: - Place the LED on the breadboard. - Connect the longer leg (anode) of the LED to a digital pin on the NodeMCU (e.g., D1). - Connect the shorter leg (cathode) of the LED to one end of the resistor. - Connect the other end of the resistor to the GND pin of the NodeMCU. Step 2: Preparing the Arduino IDE 1. Install the ESP8266 Board: - Open the Arduino IDE. - Go to `File` -> `Preferences`. - In the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" field, add this URL: `` . - Go to `Tools` -> `Board` -> `Boards Manager`. - Search for "ESP8266" and install the "ESP8266 by ESP8266 Community" package. 2. Select the NodeMCU Board: - Go to `Tools` -> `Board` -> `ESP8266 Boards` -> `NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)`. Step 3: Writing the Code 1. Open a New Sketch: - In the Arduino IDE, open a new sketch (`File` -> `New`). 2. Include Required Libraries and Define Variables. #include #include const char* ssid = "RDC A3"; const char* password = "Rudraiot"; int ledPin = LED_BUILTIN ; // GPIO13---D7 of NodeMCU WiFiServer server(80); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); delay(10); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Connect to WiFi network Serial.println(); Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); // Start the server server.begin(); Serial.println("Server started"); // Print the IP address Serial.print("Use this URL to connect: "); Serial.print("http://"); Serial.print(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.println("/"); } void loop() { // Check if a client has connected WiFiClient client = server.available(); if (!client) { return; } // Wait until the client sends some data Serial.println("new client"); while(!client.available()){ delay(1); } // Read the first line of the request String request = client.readStringUntil('\r'); Serial.println(request); client.flush(); // Match the request int value = HIGH; if (request.indexOf("/LED=ON") != -1) { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); value = LOW; } if (request.indexOf("/LED=OFF") != -1) { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); value = HIGH; } // Set ledPin according to the request //digitalWrite(ledPin, value); // Return the response client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client.println("Content-Type: text/html"); client.println(""); // do not forget this one client.println(""); client.println(""); client.print("Led is now: "); if(value == HIGH) { client.print("On"); } else { client.print("Off"); } client.println(""); client.println("OFF "); client.println("ON "); client.println(""); delay(1); Serial.println("Client disonnected") ; Serial.println(""); } Step 4: Uploading the Code 1. Connect Your NodeMCU to Your Computer: - Use the micro USB cable to connect the NodeMCU to your computer. 2. Upload the Code: - In the Arduino IDE, select the correct port under `Tools` -> `Port`. - Click on the upload button to compile and upload the code to the NodeMCU. Step 5: Testing Your Web Server 1. Find Your NodeMCU's IP Address: - Open the Serial Monitor (`Tools` -> `Serial Monitor`). - Look for the IP address assigned to your NodeMCU in the output. 2. Control the LED: - Open a web browser and enter the IP address of your NodeMCU. - You should see a simple web page with buttons to turn the LED ON and OFF. Conclusion You have now successfully set up a web server using NodeMCU to control an LED. This project is a foundational step into the world of IoT, allowing you to control devices over the internet. Experiment with different components and expand your project to create more complex IoT systems. Also checkout more projects on our website and enhance your skills at Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew.
- Learn to find the IP Address of NodeMCU using Serial Monitor
Finding the IP address of your NodeMCU is a crucial step in many IoT projects. Here’s a simple guide to help you obtain the IP address using the Arduino IDE and Serial Monitor. Step 1: Install the Necessary Software 1. Arduino IDE: Ensure you have the Arduino IDE installed on your computer. You can download it from the [Arduino website]( ). 2. ESP8266 Board Manager: Open the Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences. In the “Additional Board Manager URLs” field, add the following URL: `` . Then, go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager, search for `ESP8266`, and install the package. Step 2: Connect Your NodeMCU 1. USB Connection: Connect your NodeMCU to your computer using a USB cable. 2. Select Board and Port: In the Arduino IDE, go to Tools > Board and select `NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)`. Then, go to Tools > Port and select the appropriate COM port your NodeMCU is connected to. Step 3: Write the Code Here is a simple code example to connect your NodeMCU to a Wi-Fi network and print its IP address:`` #include const char* ssid = "your_SSID"; // Replace with your WiFi SSID const char* password = "your_PASSWORD"; // Replace with your WiFi Password void setup() { Serial.begin(115200);// Start the Serial communication at115200 baud WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // Connect to Wi-Fi network Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.print(ssid); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(); Serial.println("WiFi connected!"); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // Print the IP address } void loop() { // Your code here } 1. Enter WiFi Credentials: Replace `your_SSID` and `your_PASSWORD` with your Wi-Fi network’s SSID and password. 2. Upload the Code: Click the upload button in the Arduino IDE to upload the code to your NodeMCU. Step 4: Open Serial Monitor 1. Open Serial Monitor: Once the code is uploaded, open the Serial Monitor by going to Tools > Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE or by pressing `Ctrl + Shift + M`. 2. Set Baud Rate: Ensure the baud rate is set to `115200` in the Serial Monitor (matching the `Serial.begin(115200)` in the code). Step 5: View IP Address 1. Monitor Output: After opening the Serial Monitor, you should see a series of messages indicating the connection process. Once connected, the Serial Monitor will display the IP address assigned to your NodeMCU by the Wi-Fi network. Conclusion : By following these steps, you can easily find the IP address of your NodeMCU using the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE. This IP address is essential for various IoT applications, such as accessing your NodeMCU via a web browser or communicating with it over a network. For more checkout our website and enhance your skills at Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew. Happy learning!
- Using NodeMCU as a Client & Server Application
Description: The NodeMCU is a popular development board that makes it easy to connect to Wi-Fi and create IoT applications. In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to set up your NodeMCU as both a server and a client using the Arduino IDE. Prerequisites: - NodeMCU board - USB cable - Arduino IDE installed - Wi-Fi network Step 1: Set Up the Arduino IDE 1. Install the NodeMCU Board Package: - Open the Arduino IDE. - Go to `File` -> `Preferences`. - In the “Additional Board Manager URLs” field, add: `` . - Go to `Tools` -> `Board` -> `Boards Manager`. - Search for `esp8266` and install the latest version. 2. Select the NodeMCU Board: - Go to `Tools` -> `Board` and select `NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)`. Step 2: Set Up NodeMCU as a Server 1. Open the Example Sketch: - Go to `File` -> `Examples` -> `ESP8266WebServer` -> `HelloServer`. 2. Modify the Sketch: - Update the `ssid` and `password` variables with your Wi-Fi credentials. const char* ssid = "your_SSID"; const char* password = "your_PASSWORD"; 3. Upload the Sketch: - Connect your NodeMCU to your computer using a USB cable. - Select the correct port under `Tools` -> `Port`. - Click the upload button. 4. Monitor the Serial Output: - Open the Serial Monitor (`Tools` -> `Serial Monitor`) and set the baud rate to `115200`. - Once connected, the Serial Monitor will display the IP address of the NodeMCU. 5. Access the Server: - Open a web browser and enter the IP address displayed in the Serial Monitor. - You should see a message saying "Hello from ESP8266!". Step 3: Set Up NodeMCU as a Client 1. Open the Example Sketch: - Go to `File` -> `Examples` -> `ESP8266WiFi` -> `WiFiClient`. 2. Modify the Sketch: - Update the `ssid` and `password` variables with your Wi-Fi credentials. - Set the server's IP address and port (if you're using the previous server example, use the NodeMCU’s IP and port 80). const char* ssid = "your_SSID"; const char* password = "your_PASSWORD"; const char* host = "server_IP_address"; const uint16_t port = 80; 3. Upload the Sketch: - Connect your NodeMCU to your computer. - Select the correct port and upload the sketch. 4. Monitor the Serial Output: - Open the Serial Monitor and set the baud rate to `115200`. - The NodeMCU will attempt to connect to the server and you should see the response from the server in the Serial Monitor. Step 4: Testing and Further Development - Testing: - With the server running, reset the client NodeMCU and observe the communication between the server and client in the Serial Monitor. - Further Development: - Explore more examples and libraries to expand your IoT projects. - Modify the server to handle different types of requests. - Use the client to send sensor data to the server. Conclusion : By following these steps, you've successfully set up your NodeMCU as both a server and a client. This setup forms the foundation for creating more complex IoT applications. For additional projects and resources, check out our website and Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew. Happy coding!
- Getting Started with NodeMCU ESP8266 Module with ArduinoIDE
NodeMCU is a popular open-source IoT platform that uses the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started with NodeMCU using the Arduino IDE. Step 1: Install Arduino IDE 1. Download Arduino IDE: - Go to the [Arduino IDE download page]( ). - Download the version compatible with your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). 2. Install Arduino IDE: - Follow the installation instructions specific to your operating system. - Once installed, open the Arduino IDE. Step 2: Set Up Arduino IDE for NodeMCU 1. Add ESP8266 Board Manager URL: - Open Arduino IDE. - Go to `File` > `Preferences`. - In the “Additional Board Manager URLs” field, enter the following URL: ``. - Click `OK`. 2. Install ESP8266 Board Package: - Go to `Tools` > `Board` > `Boards Manager`. - Search for “esp8266” in the Boards Manager window. - Click on “Install” for the “esp8266” by ESP8266 Community. 3. Select NodeMCU Board: - Go to `Tools` > `Board`. - Scroll down and select “NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)”. Step 3: Connect NodeMCU to Your Computer 1. Connect NodeMCU: - Use a USB cable to connect your NodeMCU to your computer. 2. Install USB Driver (if necessary): - For Windows, you may need to install the CH340 USB driver. Download it from [here]( ). - For macOS, the driver usually installs automatically, but if not, it can be downloaded from the same link. Step 4: Upload Your First Sketch 1. Open Blink Example: - Go to `File` > `Examples` > `ESP8266` > `Blink`. 2. Select the Right Port: - Go to `Tools` > `Port` and select the COM port that your NodeMCU is connected to. 3. Upload the Sketch: - Click on the upload button (right arrow) in the Arduino IDE. - Wait for the code to compile and upload. You should see the onboard LED blinking if the upload is successful. Step 5: Use the Below code for Practice #define LED D0 // Led in NodeMCU at pin GPIO16 (D0). void setup() { pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // LED pin as output. } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);// turn the LED off.(Note that LOW is the voltage level but actually //the LED is on; this is because it is acive low on the ESP8266. delay(1000); // wait for 1 second. digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // turn the LED on. delay(1000); // wait for 1 second. } Download the Code Here Conclusion : Now that you have successfully uploaded your first sketch, you can explore more advanced projects. Here are some ideas to get you started: - Wi-Fi Controlled LED: Control an LED using a web interface. - Temperature and Humidity Monitoring: Use DHT11/DHT22 sensors to monitor environmental conditions. - Home Automation: Create a simple home automation system using MQTT.For more projects and tutorials, visit our website. Don’t forget to check out Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew for a comprehensive range of courses on embedded systems.
- How to Create a Laser Security System Using a BC547 Transistor
Creating a laser security system is an exciting project that combines basic electronics with a bit of creativity. Follow these steps to build your own laser security system using a BC547 transistor. Materials Needed: - Laser module - LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) - BC547 NPN transistor - Resistors (10kΩ and 330Ω) - Buzzer or alarm - 9V battery and battery clip - Breadboard and jumper wires Step 1: Understanding the Circuit The laser security system works by pointing a laser beam at an LDR. The LDR's resistance changes with light intensity. When the laser beam is interrupted, the change in resistance is detected, triggering the alarm. Step 2: Setting Up the Laser and LDR 1. Place the Laser Module: Position the laser module so that it points directly at the LDR. Secure it in place to ensure it doesn't move. 2. Place the LDR: Place the LDR on the breadboard in the path of the laser beam. Step 3: Building the Circuit 1. Connect the LDR and Resistor: Connect one end of the LDR to the positive rail of the breadboard. Connect the other end to one end of the 10kΩ resistor. 2. Connect to Ground: Connect the free end of the 10kΩ resistor to the ground rail of the breadboard. 3. Voltage Divider: The junction between the LDR and the 10kΩ resistor will act as a voltage divider, providing a varying voltage based on the LDR's resistance. Step 4: Connecting the BC547 Transistor 1. Base Connection: Connect the junction between the LDR and the 10kΩ resistor to the base of the BC547 transistor through a 330Ω resistor. 2. Collector Connection: Connect the collector of the BC547 transistor to the negative terminal of the buzzer or alarm. 3. Emitter Connection: Connect the emitter of the BC547 transistor to the ground rail of the breadboard. 4. Power the Buzzer: Connect the positive terminal of the buzzer to the positive rail of the breadboard. Step 5: Powering the Circuit 1. Connect the Battery: Attach the 9V battery to the breadboard using a battery clip. Connect the positive terminal to the positive rail and the negative terminal to the ground rail. Step 6: Testing the System 1. Align the Laser: Make sure the laser beam is accurately pointing at the LDR. 2. Activate the Laser: Turn on the laser module. 3. Monitor the Buzzer: The buzzer should be silent when the laser beam is hitting the LDR. 4. Interrupt the Beam: Block the laser beam with your hand or an object. The buzzer should sound, indicating the alarm is triggered. Troubleshooting Tips: - No Alarm Sound: Check all connections to ensure they are secure. Verify the battery has sufficient charge. - Constant Alarm: Ensure the laser beam is correctly aligned with the LDR and not interrupted. - Adjusting Sensitivity: You can tweak the resistor values to adjust the sensitivity of the LDR circuit. Conclusion : You've successfully built a basic laser security system using a BC547 transistor! This project not only helps in understanding basic electronics but also provides a foundation for more advanced security systems. Experiment with different configurations and explore additional components to enhance your system. For more exciting projects and learning opportunities, visit our website and check out Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew.
- How to Build a Water Level Monitoring System Using BC547
Monitoring water levels is essential for various applications, from home water tanks to industrial reservoirs. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to create a simple and effective water level monitoring system using a BC547 transistor. Materials Needed: - BC547 NPN transistor - Resistors (1kΩ, 10kΩ) - LEDs (Green, Yellow, Red) - 9V battery and battery clip - Water container - Connecting wires - Breadboard - Jumper wires Step 1: Understanding the Circuit Before we start building, it’s important to understand how the circuit works. The BC547 transistor acts as a switch that will control the LEDs indicating different water levels. The base of the transistor will receive input from the water sensors (wires submerged in water at different levels), the emitter will be connected to the ground, and the collector will drive the LEDs. Step 2: Setting Up the Power Supply Connect the 9V battery to the breadboard using the battery clip. Connect the positive terminal of the battery to the positive rail and the negative terminal to the negative rail of the breadboard. Step 3: Placing the Transistor Place the BC547 transistor on the breadboard. The flat side of the transistor should be facing you. The pins from left to right are: Collector (C), Base (B), and Emitter (E). Step 4: Connecting the Resistors - Connect a 10kΩ resistor from the base (B) of the BC547 to the positive rail of the breadboard. - Connect a 1kΩ resistor from the collector (C) of the BC547 to the positive rail of the breadboard. Step 5: Setting Up the LEDs - Connect the cathode (short leg) of the green LED to the emitter (E) of the BC547. - Connect the anode (long leg) of the green LED to the collector (C) of the BC547. - Repeat the same steps for the yellow and red LEDs, ensuring each has its own BC547 transistor set up in parallel. Step 6: Creating the Water Sensors - Use three pieces of wire to act as water level sensors. - Place the first wire at the bottom of the water container (low level). - Place the second wire in the middle (medium level). - Place the third wire near the top (high level). Step 7: Connecting the Sensors to the Transistors - Connect the sensor wire at the bottom to the base (B) of the first BC547 transistor via a jumper wire. - Connect the middle sensor to the base (B) of the second BC547 transistor. - Connect the top sensor to the base (B) of the third BC547 transistor. Step 8: Grounding the Circuit - Connect the emitter (E) of all three BC547 transistors to the negative rail of the breadboard. - Connect the negative rail to the negative terminal of the battery. Step 9: Testing the System - Fill the container with water to different levels and observe the LEDs. - When the water reaches the bottom sensor, the green LED should light up. - When the water reaches the middle sensor, the yellow LED should light up. - When the water reaches the top sensor, the red LED should light up. Conclusion : By following these steps, you have successfully built a water level monitoring system using a BC547 transistor. This simple project helps you understand the basics of transistor operation and water level detection. For more exciting projects and tutorials, visit our website and check out Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew to expand your knowledge in embedded systems.
- Getting Started with ESP32 Cam Module and Solve Fatal Error
The ESP32-CAM is a powerful and versatile microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, making it ideal for various IoT projects. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started with your ESP32-CAM on a Windows PC. Step 1: Gather Your Components Before you begin, ensure you have the following components: - ESP32-CAM module - USB to TTL/Serial adapter (such as FTDI or CP2102) - Jumper wires - Breadboard (optional) - Micro USB cable Step 2: Install Arduino IDE 1. Download Arduino IDE: Visit the [Arduino IDE download page]( ) and download the Windows installer. 2. Install Arduino IDE: Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install the IDE on your PC. Step 3: Install ESP32 Board Support 1. Open Arduino IDE: Launch the Arduino IDE. 2. Open Preferences: Go to `File` > `Preferences`. 3. Add ESP32 URL: In the "Additional Board Manager URLs" field, enter the following URL: `` 4. Open Boards Manager: Go to `Tools` > `Board` > `Boards Manager`. 5. Install ESP32: In the Boards Manager window, search for "ESP32" and click "Install" on the "esp32 by Espressif Systems" entry. Step 4: Set Up ESP32-CAM in Arduino IDE 1. Select Board: Go to `Tools` > `Board` and select `AI Thinker ESP32-CAM`. 2. Select Port: Connect your USB to TTL adapter to your PC and select the appropriate COM port under `Tools` > `Port`. Step 5: Wiring the ESP32-CAM 1. Connect the ESP32-CAM to the USB to TTL Adapter: - ESP32-CAM | USB to TTL - 5V | 5V - GND | GND - U0R | TX - U0T | RX - IO0 | GND (for programming mode) Step 6: Uploading the Code 1. Open Example Sketch: Go to `File` > `Examples` > `ESP32` > `Camera` > `CameraWebServer`. 2. Modify the Sketch: Find the following lines in the sketch and update them with your Wi-Fi credentials: const char* ssid = "your-SSID"; const char* password = "your-PASSWORD"; 3. Select Board Settings: Ensure the following settings are selected: - Board: `AI Thinker ESP32-CAM` - Flash Mode: `QIO` - Flash Frequency: `40MHz` - Partition Scheme: `Huge APP (3MB No OTA)` - Upload Speed: `115200` 4. Upload Code: Click the upload button. While uploading, press and hold the `RESET` button on the ESP32-CAM. Step 7: Running the ESP32-CAM 1. Open Serial Monitor: Go to `Tools` > `Serial Monitor` and set the baud rate to `115200`. 2. Reset the ESP32-CAM: Disconnect the IO0 pin from GND and press the `RESET` button on the ESP32-CAM. 3. View Output: The Serial Monitor will display the IP address of your ESP32-CAM. 4. Access the Web Server: Open a web browser and enter the IP address displayed in the Serial Monitor. You should see the camera feed from your ESP32-CAM. All Documents Copy & Paste this link in ArduinoIDE - File - Preferences - Additional Boards Manager URL - Use the example code as instructed in the Video Here is the Output Conclusion Congratulations on completing all the steps! You now have a solid understanding of how the Raspberry Pi Pico works. Feel free to experiment with various projects to further enhance your skills. For more project ideas and detailed guides, visit our website. Additionally, explore Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew to acquire a wide range of skills in embedded systems. Happy Learning!
- Getting Started with Raspberry-Pi Pico Microcontroller
The Raspberry Pi Pico is a versatile microcontroller board that’s perfect for a variety of projects. Follow these steps to get started with your Pico on a Windows PC. Step 1: Gather Your Materials - Raspberry Pi Pico board - Micro-USB cable (for power and data transfer) - Windows PC - Breadboard and jumper wires (optional, for experiments) - LEDs, resistors, sensors (optional, for projects) Step 2: Install the Raspberry Pi Pico Software 1. Download and Install Thonny IDE: - Visit the [Thonny website]( ) and download the installer for Windows. - Run the installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation. 2. Download MicroPython UF2 File: - Visit the [Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython page]( ). - Download the MicroPython UF2 file from the official website. Step 3: Prepare the Raspberry Pi Pico 1. Connect the Pico to Your PC: - Hold down the BOOTSEL button on the Pico. - While holding the button, connect the Pico to your PC using the micro-USB cable. - Release the BOOTSEL button once the Pico is connected. Your Pico should appear as a removable drive named RPI-RP2 on your computer. 2. Copy the MicroPython UF2 File: - Open the RPI-RP2 drive on your PC. - Drag and drop the MicroPython UF2 file you downloaded earlier onto the RPI-RP2 drive. - The Pico will automatically reboot, and the drive will disappear from your file explorer. Step 4: Configure Thonny IDE 1. Open Thonny IDE: - Launch the Thonny IDE from your Start menu. 2. Select the Interpreter: - Go to Tools > Options and select the Interpreter tab. - Choose MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico) from the drop-down menu. - Ensure the correct COM port is selected for your Pico (you can find this in the Device Manager under Ports). Step 5: Write and Run Your First Program 1. Write a Simple Script: - In the Thonny editor, type the following code to blink an onboard LED: from machine import Pin from time import sleep led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT) while True: led.toggle() sleep(1) 2. Save and Run the Script: - Save the script by going to File > Save As, then choose Raspberry Pi Pico. - Name your file (e.g., ` b link .py `) and click OK. - Click the Run button (green arrow) to execute your script. You should see the onboard LED start blinking. Temperature Reading using R-pi : Write the given code in your IDE and Save as file. from machine import ADC import utime temp_sensor = ADC(4) # Default connection of temperature sensor while True: # get raw sensor data raw_sensor_data = temp_sensor.read_u16() # convert raw value to equivalent voltage sensor_voltage = (raw_sensor_data / 65535)*3.3 # convert voltage to temperature (celcius) temperature = 27 - (sensor_voltage - 0.706)/0.001721 print("Temperature : ",temperature, " degree celcius") utime.sleep(1) Follow the Steps given above to Complete the project. Conclusion : Congratulations on completing all the steps! You now have a solid understanding of how the Raspberry Pi Pico works. Feel free to experiment with various projects to further enhance your skills. For more project ideas and detailed guides, visit our website. Additionally, explore Skill-Hub by EmbeddedBrew to acquire a wide range of skills in embedded systems. Happy learning!
- Origami Inspired Soft Robots: The Future of Robotics
Introduction The field of robotics has always been a fascinating intersection of engineering, biology, and art. Recently, the concept of soft robotics has emerged, drawing inspiration from nature and ancient arts. One of the most intriguing developments in this area is the creation of origami-inspired soft robots. These robots, with their ability to navigate complex environments, are opening new horizons in the world of robotics. The Concept of Soft Robotics Soft robotics involves the design and creation of robots made from highly flexible materials. Unlike traditional robots, which are built from rigid components, soft robots can bend, stretch, and twist. This flexibility allows them to perform tasks in environments that are challenging for conventional robots, such as navigating through tight spaces or handling delicate objects. The Inspiration from Origami Origami, the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, serves as a perfect model for designing soft robots. By mimicking the folding techniques used in origami, engineers can create robots that are both compact and capable of complex movements. This approach not only enhances the functionality of the robots but also reduces their manufacturing costs and increases their durability. Case Study: The CaterBot One of the remarkable examples of origami-inspired soft robots is the CaterBot, developed by researchers at Princeton University. Dubbed the "robotapillar," this innovative robot can crawl through loops and bends with ease, much like a real caterpillar. The design of the CaterBot is based on origami principles, allowing it to compress and expand its body to navigate through various obstacles. Design and Mechanism The CaterBot is constructed from a soft, flexible material that can fold and unfold in precise patterns. This design enables the robot to change its shape and move in different directions. The robot's movements are controlled by a series of actuators that mimic the muscle contractions of a caterpillar. By coordinating these contractions, the CaterBot can crawl, climb, and even squeeze through narrow gaps. Applications The unique capabilities of the CaterBot make it suitable for a wide range of applications. In the medical field, it can be used for minimally invasive surgeries, navigating through the human body to deliver drugs or perform delicate procedures. In industrial settings, the CaterBot can inspect and repair pipelines or access hard-to-reach areas. Its flexibility also makes it ideal for search and rescue missions, where it can traverse through debris and rubble to locate survivors. The Future of Origami-Inspired Soft Robots The development of origami-inspired soft robots like the CaterBot represents a significant advancement in the field of robotics. These robots offer a combination of flexibility, adaptability, and precision that is unmatched by traditional robots. As researchers continue to explore new materials and designs, the potential applications of soft robots will expand even further. Conclusion Origami-inspired soft robots are revolutionizing the field of robotics, offering innovative solutions to complex problems. By drawing inspiration from nature and ancient arts, engineers are creating robots that are not only efficient and cost-effective but also capable of performing tasks that were once considered impossible. The future of robotics is undoubtedly soft, and the possibilities are endless. References CaterBot: The robotapillar that crawls with ease through loops and bends For more insights into cutting-edge robotics and other innovative projects, be sure to visit the EmbeddedBrew website. Don't miss our YouTube channel playlist, 'Tuesday Tech Bytes,' where we delve into the latest tech trends and advancements every week.